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Delete Old Emails and Notify User

ADMIN="" # Admin email
DOMAIN="" # Domain name
TRASH_FOLDER="/home/primabes/trashed_emails/" # Trash folder with trailing slash
HEADER="The emails listed has been moved to trash, and will be deleted on the 31st December every year" 
FOOTER="This is an automated email generated through a script, please find the script details at ''delete-old-emails-and-notify-user'"
REMOVE_FILE_AGE=60 # File age to remove in days
USER="user" # Username used to login to the hosting account

# Getting email information
[ -z "$1" ] && echo "Email user parameter missing" && exit 1
[ ! -d "/home/$USER/mail/$DOMAIN/$1/cur" ] && echo "Email not found" && exit 1
# Declarations
declare -A emails

for file in $(find "/home/primabes/mail/$1/cur" -type f -mtime +${REMOVE_FILE_AGE} -print); do
    if [ ! -f "$file" ]; then
    from=`cat "$file" | grep -m 1 "^From\:\s\+" | sed 's/From\:\ //'`
    d=`cat "$file" | grep -m 1 "^Delivery-date\:\s\+" | sed 's/Delivery-date\:\ //'`
    subject=`cat "$file" | grep -m 1 "^Subject\:\s\+" | sed 's/Subject\:\ //'`

    # Send empty "$to" to admin
    [[ -z "$to" ]] && to="$ADMIN"

    # Construct email message
    [[ -z "${emails[$to]}" ]] && emails[$to]="$HEADER"
    emails[$to]="${emails[$to]}\n\nFrom: $from\nDate: $d\nSubject: $subject"

    # Move emails to trash
    mv "$file" "$TRASH_FOLDER"

# Notify email users that the emails are sent to trash
for k in "${!emails[@]}"; do
    echo -e "${emails[$k]}\n----------\n$FOOTER" | mail -s "Inbox Cleared" -c "$ADMIN" $k