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97 total results found
LXDE Blueproximity Settings
Locking Command: xscreensaver-command -activateUnlock Command: pkill xscreensaverProximity Command: xscreensaver-command -time || daemonize /usr/bin/xscreensaver -no-splashDaemonize Utility: To stop blueproximity from hanging when using the proximity command, ...
Auto Suspend USB
There are 2 settings that needs to changed: Add usbcore.autosuspend=0 usbcore.autosuspend_delay_ms=-1 to /boot/grub/grub.cfg kernel param Disable monitor power manager control in xfce4-power-manager settings Install acpid Add the following udev rules to /...
LXDE Visual Artifacts when Switching from Desktops with Chrome
LXDE Visual Artifacts when Switching Desktops. Install a composite manager will remove the artifacts, below is a list of composite managers: xcompmgr - a minimal alternative to Compiz Compton - A bug-fixed fork of dcompmgr, which is a fork of xcompmgr Cai...
Installing Clozure CL and QuickLisp on CentOS 7
Download Clozure CL Open up terminal and enter the command: svn co Where linuxx86 is one of: darwinx86 linuxx86 freebsdx86 solarisx86 windows linuxarm Download and Install QuickLisp Downl...
Install RethinkDB on CentOS 7
Installing RethinkDB sudo wget`uname -m`/rethinkdb.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/rethinkdb.repo sudo yum install rethinkdb Create Service File Create the service file, /usr/lib/systemd/system/rethinkdb@.service with the ...
Turtl API Server and Client Installation CentOS 7
Turtl API Clone and Configure Turtl API Create a user for turtl API: sudo useradd turtl Switch user to turtl: sudo su turtl Change directory to turtl's home: cd ~ Install Clozure CL Install RethinkDB and create an instance for Turtl API Install libuv: s...
Magento Development
Magento Controllers Code Pools Magento code pools are stored in app/code/ directory, it consists of: core: All the core Magento modules, DO NOT edit core code pools directly as it may break Magento installation due to incompatibilities etc. community:...
Script - Move Infected Emails to Quarantine and Notify Users
The following script will do the following: Parse email headers from ClamScan Results Move infected email to $QUARANTINE folder Construct email messages Email the users who has any infected emails in their mailbox #!/bin/bash ADMIN="" #...
Clearing Magento 2.x Orders
Script SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; # Clean order history TRUNCATE TABLE `sales_bestsellers_aggregated_daily`; TRUNCATE TABLE `sales_bestsellers_aggregated_monthly`; TRUNCATE TABLE `sales_bestsellers_aggregated_yearly`; # Clean order infos TRUNCATE TAB...
Refreshing Magento 2.x Static Contents
Remove static and var contents rm -rf pub/static/* var/cache/* var/composer_home/* var/generation/* var/page_cache/* var/view_preprocessed/* Regenerate static files php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Delete Old Emails and Notify User
ADMIN="" # Admin email DOMAIN="" # Domain name HEADER="The emails listed has been moved to trash, and will be deleted on the 31st December every year" FOOTER="This is an automated email generated through a script, please find the ...
Playbook - Clearing Users' Data Files in a Group of Windows Machines
The playbook below will remove all users' data in a computer that belongs in an inventory group. Below is a list of steps that this playbook will do: Disable and remove the target user Reboot to remove any file locks from the logged in user Remove any files ...
Playbook - Update Windows Machine (Windows Update Disabled)
This playbook will: Modify windows update service to manual in case the machine is set to disabled Start the windows update service Download and install the updates, reboot if required The playbook is as follows, please change the encapsulated < > val...
Playbook - Initiate Clamscan on Machines with ClamWin Installed
This playbook will initiate a full scan on all computers using Clamscan that is installed through ClamWin: --- - hosts: <inventory group / hosts> tasks: - name: full computer scan win_command: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\ClamWin\bin\clamscan.ex...
Playbook - Disable Windows Updates
This playbook will download disable_windows_update.ps1 from a server, reachable by all clients and execute the script to disable windows updates on a group of windows machines. Though it is written to specifically disable windows update, it can be modified to ...
Scripts - Disable Windows Updates
Clear-Host $WindowsUpdatePath = "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\" $AutoUpdatePath = "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU" If(Test-Path -Path $WindowsUpdatePath) { Remove-Item -Path $WindowsUpdatePath -R...
ArchLinux - Setting Up Fortinet SSL VPN
Install ppp, openfortivpn and networkmanager's fortinet plugin package: sudo pacman -Syu ppp openfortivpn networkmanager-fortisslvpn Get certificate digest by running: sudo openfortivpn <IP Address>:<Port> --username=<username> Enable ker...